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Unbox Credits

Credits allows users to seamlessly manage transactions within the platform. This section covers essential features, including setting up a wallet, purchasing credits, and using those credits for various activities. Users will be able to publish a mint using credits and even create custom tokens, ensuring a flexible and efficient payment system tailored to the needs of the Unbox ecosystem.

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Credits are used for the different services on the Unbox Studio platform. Credits are non refundable and are not cryptocurrencies. Credits are only to be used for interacting and building on Unbox Studio.

  • The more expensive the network a user builds on the more expensive the price of credits are.

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Initially, each user will be given a wallet upon sign-in. In the future users will be able to add multiple wallets. When a user has multiple wallets, they are able to change which wallet is the default wallet for that network

Credit Usage

Transaction Fee

Rewards network operators to keep the system decentralized and secure. Part of this fee goes to stake pool operators, making the network function. Think of it as your “gas fee.”


A small amount required to execute transactions, protecting the network from bad actors. It’s refunded immediately after your transaction is confirmed—like a security deposit.

Note: If a transaction fails, you may lose this, but it’s very rare.


A refundable deposit embedded in every token you mint, returned when tokens are burned. Similar to a supermarket trolley coin—necessary but refundable.