Configure Asset Token (Step #3)¶
User configures protocol actions and conditions defining how the asset token can be used and managed throughout its lifecycle.
The user must change this for each action by using the dropdown and selecting the condition they want.
Mint Action¶
The Mint action controls how and when new asset tokens are created. This action allows you to define who can mint the token and under what conditions.
Transfer Action¶
The Transfer action governs how asset tokens are transferred between users or wallets. This is especially important for tokens representing ownership of valuable assets.
Update Action¶
The Update action allows for changes to the token’s attributes or details after it has been created. This is useful for assets that may evolve over time, such as properties that undergo renovations or artwork with changing metadata.
Burn Action¶
The Burn action determines how asset tokens can be permanently destroyed, removing them from circulation. This action is useful for scenarios where an asset is no longer valid, such as when property is demolished or a contract has expired.
Migrate Action¶
The Migrate action allows the asset token to be transferred to another blockchain network or system. This is particularly useful when upgrading your infrastructure or moving assets between testnet and mainnet.
- Initially if you didn’t pick a template the fields will be pre-selected for each action and that is ‘Always Fail’.